What is your surfing level?
Discover your surfing level
At the Cántabra Surf School we are very clear that our main objective is to teach surfing and therefore we take care of the detail of the organization of the groups advising our clients at all times, taking into account the surfing hours made until they reach the school for Able to offer the group that best suits your surfing level and choosing the most appropriate learning material for you to learn in complete safety.
When we start surfing we are very clear that we start from scratch and although our first objective is to ENJOY surfing, all levels of our surf courses require some goals to meet.
In the Cántabra Surf School we differentiate 3 levels of surf. INITIATION / PERFECTION / COMPETITION.
In the level of INITIATION TO SURF we fulfill some objectives that are essential to learn a good surfing from the first day.
- We teach to understand the sea (currents, formation of waves, different types of breakers). We teach to love and respect the environment that surrounds us and its nature.
- We teach you to understand the culture, history, philosophy and rules of surfing so that all surfers are respected at sea.
- We teach all the safety rules to enjoy from the beginning and have no setback.
- We teach different techniques to stand on the board.
- We teach rowing techniques and how to trace the waves (duck dive and eskimo-roll).
- The conditions vary from one beach to another, according to the tides, the breakers … and we teach to understand the sea in all its dimension and complexity to be able to surf around the world with guarantees.
- We teach stretching, warm-up and breathing adapted to surfing before entering the water.
- We teach you to catch your first foams and waves. Timming is correct. Situation at the peak.
- We teach you to edge your first waves and catch speed on the wall of the wave.
At the surfing level of PERFECTIONING, if you wish, you will have guided surf lessons in and out of the water. We will make video-corrections so that you know your faults and you can correct them. And if you want you can join our Clinics.
Our advanced surfing courses are focused on the most experienced surfers who want to meet the goals set by a school with more than 25 years of experience .
- For the more advanced and those who already know to surf, we adjust to their level, to begin to progress; Turning, explaining and correcting faults, while debugging the technique.
- Completion of basic maneuvers (reentry, cut-back, floater) in a controlled manner.
- Visualization and realization of maneuvers in the critical part of the waves.
- Flexion and spin rotation
- Maximum use of frontside and backside surfing
- Debugging technique and style.
- Tips and tricks to maximize your skills in the surfing world.
- Improvement in surfing qualities. Control, speed, coordination and radicality in the execution of maneuvers.
- Amplitude in the range of maneuvers. New twists.
Finally, our most advanced surfing level, the SURF TEAM of the Cántabra Surf School , led by Spanish surfing champion David García, director of the Cántabra Surf School.
Formed by an experienced team of surfer with several objectives to fulfill. On the one hand, the surfers who want to improve their surfing and on the other, those who want to train to compete.
For many years the Cantabrian Surf School has remained in the high competition so we know how to advise or instruct you to make your surfing progress properly.
The objectives of SURF TEAM are:
- Departures to the different regional and national competitions to learn to compete.
- Specific training outside and inside the water.
- Video corrections, Camps and special clinics.
- Surfing in small, medium and large waves.
- Maximize your skills. Strengthen your virtues and correct faults.
- Amplitude of more radical maneuvers (aerial, turns with power, reverse …)
- Correct technique when tube.
- Know how to attack the waves with greater aggressiveness and control.
- Visualization of the waves. From start to finish, knowing how to chain maneuvers and taking a good pace and flow throughout the tour.
- Debugging technique. Perfect style. Good style = good surfer.
- Competition techniques. Know how to compete.
- Psychology of competition.
If you want to become a good surfer and learn from the best come to know us, we will teach you a technique that carries behind more than 25 years of experience.
Contact: David “Capi” & Nacho García.
Tel .: +34 942 51 06 15/609482823